We are passionate about helping your Baby sleep.

Meet Nicole

  • Certified Infant&Child Sleep Consultant

  • Frontline Healthcare Professional

  • Most importantly, a Proud Mom

Hello! My name is Nicole, I am a Certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant (0-5yrs) and a Frontline Healthcare Professional. More importantly, I am a proud mom to my little girl.

I am the founder of Precious Sleepers, and the creator of the Baby-Led-Sleep Framework. A sleep solution to restore restful nights for our little ones. I have successfully worked with many families. I believe in the uniqueness in every baby and every family, and there is no one-plan that fits all. The importance of sleep will help a baby regulate their moods, their appetite, and their hormones. It is my goal to provide you with the resources to better sleep, while supporting you every step of the way.

My methods are backed by up-to-date scientific research rather than online blogs or journals. In today’s world, we find struggles, juggling between busy life while looking out for our loved ones - let us be a part of your village! It can be done, but with sleep! You can and deserve to enjoy every moment with your baby, and having enough rest will make it that much better. My goal is to have your baby sleeping well, with a method that suits your baby’s temperament, as well as your parenting style.

If you are ready for change, book a FREE Strategy Call with me to see if we are a good fit for you. No obligation, no judgement. I will support you through.

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We can help.


Getting your baby the sleep they need to thrive

A baby who is sleeping well also means a baby who will eat better, play better, and learn better.

Build your parenthood experience by offering baby sleep solutions

Sleep can affect how much joy we experience day-to-day and our abilities taking care of our little ones. Our goal is to set your sleep potential free so you have more enjoyable moments with your family

Expand your daytime flexibility by setting a good sleep foundation

Well rested babies mean more wiggle room for play dates, and more!